Monday, February 21, 2011


ok people . i need help.

it seems everywhere people are running. marshall in how i met your mother, mary in scotland, tina in portland, julia in mass, i feel like i'm seriously missing something; and I want in.

I know this is silly, but I've been sick so I've been watching a lot of TV. One show I've been getting into is "How I met your mother" which I am really really enjoying and recommend all my friends to watch. It has allyson hannigan in it (my first ever girl crush! and i still love her she's so freaking funny) but yeah. This show is not only funny but it makes me feel good about dating/love etc etc because of the way they show these relationships and people my age and a bit older mucking through it all. kind of the opposite of "The Notebook" for me (which made me want to give up on love completely. ) I digress...

Yesterday I watched an episode where Marshall decides to run the NY marathon. Now this is season 2 and up until this point Marshall's character has pretty much enjoyed being cute with his girlfriend/fiance of 10 years, drinking and watching tv. but this episode he's like "my pants are tight" then decides he wants to run the ny marathon. Now in terms of body, this guy would kind of be a tall male equivalent of me, kind of, if you don't think about it too hard.

so. here begs the question. HOW DO I LEARN TO RUN!!!!!!??????????!!!

someone teach me, I want in on this solitary nirvana where you put in your music and just go. Someone help me. I do love exercising (once I get started, it's the getting started that's hard) I just don't know how to love running.

anyone have any hints/clues/ideas/directions to point me in. because I really need something- and I really want to learn how to run. (and like it. )

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