Saturday, November 26, 2011

new town

hello all. im going to keep this short for many reasons 1) im at a cyber and ive been here for a while and 2) said cyber uses a french keyboard and the going is slow in terms of my typing.

im sad that i do not have the capability right now to show you all my new town because it is beautiful. after a lovely thanksgiving with fellow peace corps volunteers i made my way to my small town that is decently off the beaten path. i feel like i can really breathe here. the stars are beautiful and they should be seeing as im over 2.5 hours from any major city. My town is rimmed by plateaus and mountains that make me think of arizona; very canyon like. I feel like being in fez had me yearning for the "real morocco" and i think this is definitely it. most of the houses here are packed dirt and im lucky enough to live in a kasbah (otherwise known as a castle). my host family is very nice and very helpful. they also have 2 month old kittens and even though i am normally adverse to cats ive fallen for the little guy cat who ive secretly named vache the french word for cow (bc hes black and white im so clever right?)
alright. thats all for now. hopefully i can find my thumb drive so i can write this before hand and just copy and paste, but it is currently mia. refer to my previous blog post about my new address.

oh! addendum to the mail situation. when you mail things take them out of their original packging if they are vluable, i will get taxed on things when they show up so if you send electronics or expensive things put them in different boxes and never claim that the box is worth more then 10 dollars. also keep in mind im in  small town so word gets around and people will more likely then not know what i get in my packages. ive heard putting lacey underwer or tampons on the top of the box means ppl will be less likely to pilfer through it; but you never know. its been takind between 2-4 weeks for things to get here, so keep that in mind as well. im an excellent pen pal and id love to get stuff from home!!!

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