Tuesday, February 17, 2009

i keep forgetting to do this

hey all. so now i'm in texas. since i've last left you i've been to vegas where i got to see some family, which was cool. i also saw 2 cirque du soleil shows. O and Ka. i splurged on myself and spent waaaay to much money but got myself 3rd and 5th row seats in the center section. totally worth it. O was my favorite. it has a giant pool in it. i spent as much time watching the mechanics of the show as i did the acrobatics. it was so much fun for me. Ka was mechanically astounding. but i still liked O better. Vegas was fun. i made a little bit of money on slot machines, but not much to be too excited about. After Vegas we went to washington state. which was cool. Washington reminded me home a little, with the mountains and the trees. though it was much much warmer. We were outside of seattle but I didn't get a chance to go into the city b/c i spent all my money in bellevue WA on a new portable gaming system and delicious delicious tea from this place called teavana. I'm going to buy myself more from them online soon. I have never had such good tea in my life.
After washington it was off to california. I 5 was closed bc of blizzard like conditions, which in one way was cool because we got to drive through the redwood forest and see the pacific but it made our day so much longer and we ended up off our normal course. Still pretty cool though. After california we repeated our drive through new mexico arizona and texas. Texas was, once again, booooooooriiiiinggggg. I swear I 10 is one of the most boring roads ever made. It's like someone went. I have an idea, let's put a road in texas that goes through nothing, has nothing on it and gets you almost nowhere. yeah that sounds like a plan. oh man. we go to hawaii soon. which is going to be rough.
things continue well. i'm loving being on the road still.
here's some pictures i took out of order b/c im too lazy to fix it.

from the amazing restaurant we went to in boise idaho. amazing salad, amazing pizza and amazing beer. what more could you ask for?

a picture i took in bellevue washington

got to watch a master glass blower work in tacoma washington. it was so cool.

on the road in washington

falcon ridge!!!!

bellagio fountains in vegas


obviously i went to paris.

the hoover dam!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

You are getting paid to do this? It is great how much of the country you are getting to see!