Saturday, September 26, 2009

so the time between jobs is quickly coming to an end. it's amazing how quickly a month can go by. i had so many things i planned on doing/should have done that are nowhere near. oh well. life goes. on. I need to start packing. which is goign to be interesting seeing as my room is a mess. a vile mess. lol. have i unpacked from camp? nope. have i worn pants in 4 months? not really. so i don't even know what fits/i don't want to pack any. it's an issue. seeing as pants are kind of important in theatre. tech. i'm goign ot see how much i can get off wearing leggings and long shirts and t-shirts etc.

i'm irritable today. probably because I don't want to do much and I'm not sure how amped I am about leaving home/starting this new job. we'll see. hopefully it will be good.

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