Thursday, April 29, 2010

picture-less update.

ok. so small update. i've been pretty good about taking pictures every day, though my computer keeps crashing. I brought my computer in april 2nd and by april 20th it had shit our again. ( i swear I have magnetic energy that keeps destroying my hard drives) so i've been annoyed about the fact that my pictures keep disappearing (partially bc who would think that you need to back up 18 days worth of stuff on a brand new hard drive?). so I had all of these great pictures of this awesome trip to the tacoma zoo with rachael and matt but no dice. grrr...

things are well here in seattle. it's still not warm out. it hasn't breached 70 degrees and to be honest I'm going to be sad if I leave seattle before I get to go outside without some kind of warm item on. at least the flowers are blooming. and while I shouldn't really be complaining bc of the snow in new england, but really. how has it gotten to almost 90 degrees in vermont and it's still 55 here every day. sad times.

I have a little under 30 days here before I go back to mass then up to maine for camp. It's weird how the time went. I can't believe how close it is. I'm glad to be leaving, but I'm also sad. I've been a hot mess while living here, so I hope it'll be good for me to leave, but I do really like this city and I am going to miss bo and everyone else (and the dogs!) and the baby. oh dear i will miss that baby. if i come back to seattle it will be very different. first off i would need a job that pays all of my bills. that would be nice. even two jobs that would pay all of my bills. sometimes I wonder why I work because I would make more money on unemployment and then I could afford all of my bills. sad days we live in people. I could see myself coming back here it's just hard being so far away from everyone I know in a city where everyone else has someone or a group of someone's. I haven't encountered the "seattle freeze" that is supposedly famous, people are really friendly with me wherever I go but I haven't really made any friends except rachael. if wasn't stuck in the dish pit all day i might know my cafe co workers better, but it's hard when im stuck in the corner. surrounded by a sea of dishes. oh well. it was a good stint here. no regrets.

I'm looking forward to camp this summer. it's going to freaking kick some serious ass!

so expect pictures soon!

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