Thursday, July 28, 2011

hello again blogosphere

ok blog world. I'm going to do it for real this time. i'm actually going to make a commitment to updating you. mostly because I got into the peace corps and i'm leaving for morocco on September 12th. incredibly daunting, incredibly exciting and incredibly new. Also incredibly across the world from most if not all of my near and dears. so. blog it is. i'm not sure how much internet i'm going to have over there, but i've been seeing it's fairly easy to get, if not my goal is to update at least once a week.
right now i'm just working at camp, mentally and physically preparing for this new adventure. this week i'm dying my hair from pink to brown, so i have a normal color of hair. i've had my hair pink on and off since 2005, and pink dreadlocks since 2007 so this is a huge change for me. i'm going to miss them. luckily i don't have to chop them off completely, so i'm considering it a blessing. but i kind of don't want to. i'm buying the hair dye either tomorrow or the next day. fingers crossed. pictures will be posted.
well that's it for now. i just wanted to do a quick intro post to tell all y'all out there to put this blog back on the map, because it's happening kids. i'm making it work, the interwebs will be updted of my wherabouts, and what abouts so, as they sing in the lion king, be prepared.

1 comment:

nicole g. said...

welcome back :)

can't wait to see photos of the new hair.

new hair, same beautiful, colorful heart. xo!